Tuesday, March 30, 2010

spring break

spring break is a time where every student is looking forward to. we just love the idea of not doing any school work...or even having to wake up early. we know exactly how many more days (down the last second we even know it) not that we're counting. WE JUST CAN'T WAIT FOR SPRING BREAK.

then spring break comes. first day of spring break...whoopee!! i'm having soo much fun...waking up late..sleeping in. eating good food instead of school lunches. hanging out with friends. it's all quite fun.

second day: err..what am i supposed to do now? (continues on like that till the end of spring break)

the thought of spring break makes everything sound wonderful,but spring break itself is extremely boring because you're not doing anything worth doing. BUT...watch us count the days,hours and seconds till summer.

Monday, March 29, 2010

ahhh formal is coming up

formal is just like prom.

i.can't. go.

my mom looked it up..asked her friends and they told her that the formal that their kids have gone to..have been just plain bad. you know..like the usual..i'm gonna bring in alcohol..and drugs..so my mom won't let me go.

when i heard about the formal for the first time..i imagined myself in a black number (so beautiful on me) and me with my date...dancing away to wonderful rock music. of course i'm a good girl so i had to go and ask my mom. she looked at me and wanted to know what formal was. i, of course, cut out all my hopes and dreams of dancing with my dates,etc. just told her..it's like a good-bye party for us. you know...go to the dance with friends...etc. etc.

she believed my shortened version and said,"let me think about it,kay?"
i waited...i waited...
she still hasn't made up her mind..but finally she took me aside and told me about all the things that had happened at formal before and told me that she would rather me not go to formal. i understood her...i didn't get mad (surprising, not even sad) apparently i wasn't that much interested to go to formal in the first place...

hey there!

i totally wanted somewhere to write my thoughts down...without actually writing anything. (if that is even possible)

i wanted to write in a journal without the writing part...then i realized..i could do that...i could make a blog..ranting randoms things..and rereading it later on in my life. (making me laugh all the while)

i don't even know where to start...my life isn't an interesting life...but i
i've been wanting a cellphone...for like..ever...but i haven't been able to get one...yet. i want the CLIQ. it looks soo awesome..and it's an android...i'll be getting a cellphone this year. and that is the cellphone that i chose. hopefully we can afford it tho. cuz it is a little more on the expensive side...